The 2060 sensory restaurant - HUT
“HUT - Taste true connection”, is a restaurant providing a digital detox. Guests are seated in intimate hut-inspired domes, encouraging connection with food and companions. Each table serves a daily-changing, locally sourced meal. The space is filled wiht plants, soft lighting and other features providing relaxation.
Final outcome: animation (1’40”), sound on!
Inspirations ↓
1: Musgum architecture and village layout
2: Blue annodized aluminium
3: Old dried mud construction, clay texture and seamless look
4: Logo I made for ‘‘Hut Restaurant’’ visual identity
5: Color assiciation found in London’s streets
6: Low lighting and nature (Photographer Txema Yeste / Model Hiandra Martinez for Vogue Russia May 2020)
7: Futuristic plate concept by Pushan Panda, american designer
Selection from process ↓
Floor plan ↓